Disability Insurance
Disability Insurance helps protect your income
What is Disability Insurance?
Disability Insurance (DI) is a crucial safety net designed to protect your income if you find yourself unable to work due to a non-industrial injury, illness, or pregnancy-related condition. Life is unpredictable, and while we all hope to stay healthy, the reality is that 1 in 4 Americans will experience a disabling event before reaching retirement age. Imagine the peace of mind knowing that, even in the face of unexpected challenges, your financial stability is secured.
With Disability Insurance, if you are no longer able to perform your regular or customary work, you may still receive a portion of your wages while you recover. This financial support can make a significant difference, helping you maintain your lifestyle, cover daily expenses, and focus on what truly matters—your recovery. Don’t wait until it’s too late; ensure you and your loved ones are protected today.
Understanding Total Permanent Disability (TPD)
Total Permanent Disability (TPD) is a term often encountered in both the insurance industry and legal settings. It refers to a condition where, due to illness or injury, an individual is unable to engage in any occupation for which they are reasonably suited by training, education, or experience. This could mean the difference between continuing to support your family and facing significant financial hardship.
TPD coverage can be obtained through various forms of insurance. Whether as a standalone disability policy, part of a life insurance package, or through worker’s compensation insurance, having TPD protection is essential. It ensures that even in the most challenging circumstances, you are not left without the means to support yourself and those who depend on you. We can help you protect your future by exploring the options available to you, and ensure that you’re covered no matter what life throws your way.
Additional Services
We also offer Life Insurance and Medicare Products
We can answer your Health Reform Care Act questions.